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Founded by Kevin Smith back in 2000, Renovate has established itself as one of the greatest
providers of construction services.

Founded by Kevin Smith back in 2000, Renovate has established itself as one of the greatest
providers of construction services.

Interior Renovation 95%
Paver Walkways 72%
Tiling and Painting 60%

Founded by Kevin Smith back in 2000, Renovate has established itself as one of the greatest and prestigous
providers of construction focused interior renovation services and building.

With over 15 years experience and real focus on customer satisfaction, you can rely on us for your next renovation,
driveway sett or home repair. We provide a professional service for private and commercial customers.

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We provide a professional renovation and installation services with a real focus on customer satisfaction.
Our installations are carried out by fully trained staff to the highest professional standards.

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